Grades and Grade Points as per UGC guidelines is to be followed by the University

Grades and Grade Points

 Grades and Grade Points as per UGC guidelines is to be followed by the University

SGPA and CGPA are calculated based on the above grading norms and are explained at the end of this page.↡↡↡

Academic Auditing The University shall have a detailed academic auditing procedure in place comprising of an internal academic auditing cell within the colleges and external academic auditing for each college. The internal academic auditing cell in each college shall oversee and monitor all the academic activities including all internal evaluations and examinations. This cell is to prepare academic audit statements for each semester at regular intervals. These reports are to be presented to the external academic auditor approved by the University, who will use it as a reference for his independent auditing and for the final report to the University.

Caculating  SGPA/CGPA is simple

1. Calculation of SGPA/CGPA Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) are calculated as follows. 
SGPA = Σ(Ci×GPi)/ΣCi 
where Ci is the credit assigned for a course and GPi is the grade point for that course. 
The summation is done for all courses registered by the student in the semester. Here the failed courses are also accounted for.

 CGPA = Σ(Ci×GPi)/ΣCi 
where Ci is the credit assigned for a course and GPi is the grade point for that course. 
The summation is done for all courses registered by the student during all the semesters for which the CGPA is needed. Here the failed courses are also accounted for.

CGPA of all courses passed may also be given. CGPA for the B. Tech program is arrived at by considering all course credits that are needed for the degree and their respective grade points. 


 At the end of the semester, end semester examination will be conducted in all lecture-based courses offered in the semester and will normally be of three hours duration, unless otherwise specified. Supplementary examinations shall be conducted before the commencement of the next semester, for students who are eligible and have registered for them.
 b. Students, who have completed a course but could not write the end semester examination for valid reasons like illness or personal exigencies, are allowed to write the supplementary examination or the end semester examination at the next opportunity and earn the credits without having to register for the course again provided they meet other eligibility criteria. c. The main eligibility criteria for the end semester examination are attendance in the course, internal marks, and no pending disciplinary action. The minimum attendance for appearing for the end semester examination is 75% in each course. Further, the internal evaluation marks in the course should be 45% or above. Students who do not meet these eligibility criteria are awarded an FE grade and have to register for the course again.
d. Students who could not write the end semester examination due to health reasons or other exigencies can register for the supplementary examination, with the approval of the principal provided they have 45% or above marks in the internal evaluations for the course. Candidates who received F grade can also write the supplementary examination. Grades awarded in the supplementary examination will be taken as the end semester grades in these courses. 3.

 Eligibility for Award of Degree 

The award of B. Tech. / B. Tech. (Honours) degree shall be based on the recommendation of the Academic Committee and the approval of the Board of Governors and in accordance with the academic regulations, if any, issued for the said purpose by the University. Award of B. Tech. Degree A student will be eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree of the University on satisfying the following requirements. i) Earned credits for all the core courses and the Project. ii) Earned the required minimum credits as specified in the curriculum for the branch of study. 4 iii) No pending disciplinary action.

 The fee charged by the University

 The fee charged for the program shall be decided by the University from time to time and informed to all concerned for compliance. 5. The discipline of the student – Action against breach of discipline Every college shall have a Student’s Welfare Committee and a Disciplinary Action Committee, constituted by the Principal of the college. Each college should have a Grievance Redressal and Appeals Committee constituted by the Principal to address the grievances of the students and to consider their appeals on any decisions made by the college. Details on the constitution and terms of reference are outlined in 7-x, 7-y, and 7-z. 6. Breach of guidelines and unfair practices in Examinations These are viewed seriously and appropriate actions are to be taken by the colleges as detailed in 7-x. a. Language of Instruction and Examination. Unless otherwise stated, the language of instruction and examinations shall be English. b. Academic Calendar. The University shall publish in its website the academic calendar for every academic semester indicating the commencement of the semester and beginning of instruction. It will specify the course registration and enrolment dates, the schedule for mandatory internal tests for theory courses, dates by which laboratory/practical evaluations are to be completed, the date for finalization of internal marks, last instruction day in the semester, planned schedule of end semester examinations and result declaration as well as approved holidays falling within the semester. Schedules for the supplementary examinations and result declaration dates are to be included in the calendar. Summer course schedule and result declaration has also to be indicated in the calendar. Additionally colleges may publish their academic calendar, in line with the University academic calendar, indicating other schedules and events they plan to conduct during the semester. 

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2020 Updated syllabus,ktu guide, students of ktu , approved colleges. In 2014 May, KTU was established by the government of Kerala through an Ordinance. K P. Isaac, a former Member Secretary of the All India Council for Technical Education
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